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BII’s journey to PX began way back in 2019, with the inaugural edition of Patient Experience Excellence Congress in Saudi Arabia, under the Patronage of MOH – KSA. With the success of PX focused events such as International Patient Experience Symposium (UAE), Patient Experience & Engagement Summit (Asia) and other editions of PX Summits in Iraq, Kuwait and others our PX focused healthcare events have successfully created a niche identity and brand for organizing Patient centric events globally, in partnership and support of governing bodies and regional Ministries.
With the rebranding of BII, all our regional PX event brands will be combined under the central brand of International PX Congress, which will focus on organizing conferences, workshops and exhibits across globe within the scope of PX, CX and staff experience, under BII – Health.
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International Patient Experience Congress
2024 - Embracing the Year of Patient Experience!